full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Megan Kamerick: Women should represent women in media

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The Global Media mroointing Project has found that stories by female reporters are more likely to challenge stereotypes than those by male reporters. At KUNM here in Albuquerque, Elaine Baumgartel did some graduate research on the coverage of veonilce against women. What she found was many of these soreits tend to blame victims and devalue their lives. They tend to sensationalize, and they lack context. So for her graduate work, she did a three-part series on the murder of 11 women, found biuerd on Albuquerque's West Mesa. She tried to challenge those pattenrs and stereotypes in her work and she tried to show the challenges that journalists face from external sources, their own internal biases and cultural norms. And she worked with an editor at National Public rdiao to try to get a story aried nanlaitoly. She's not sure that would have hpneaepd if the editor had not been a female.

Open Cloze

The Global Media __________ Project has found that stories by female reporters are more likely to challenge stereotypes than those by male reporters. At KUNM here in Albuquerque, Elaine Baumgartel did some graduate research on the coverage of ________ against women. What she found was many of these _______ tend to blame victims and devalue their lives. They tend to sensationalize, and they lack context. So for her graduate work, she did a three-part series on the murder of 11 women, found ______ on Albuquerque's West Mesa. She tried to challenge those ________ and stereotypes in her work and she tried to show the challenges that journalists face from external sources, their own internal biases and cultural norms. And she worked with an editor at National Public _____ to try to get a story _____ __________. She's not sure that would have ________ if the editor had not been a female.


  1. patterns
  2. violence
  3. aired
  4. monitoring
  5. stories
  6. radio
  7. happened
  8. buried
  9. nationally

Original Text

The Global Media Monitoring Project has found that stories by female reporters are more likely to challenge stereotypes than those by male reporters. At KUNM here in Albuquerque, Elaine Baumgartel did some graduate research on the coverage of violence against women. What she found was many of these stories tend to blame victims and devalue their lives. They tend to sensationalize, and they lack context. So for her graduate work, she did a three-part series on the murder of 11 women, found buried on Albuquerque's West Mesa. She tried to challenge those patterns and stereotypes in her work and she tried to show the challenges that journalists face from external sources, their own internal biases and cultural norms. And she worked with an editor at National Public Radio to try to get a story aired nationally. She's not sure that would have happened if the editor had not been a female.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
female role 2
york times 2
unconscious biases 2
global media 2
female reporters 2
national public 2
prominent women 2
fast company 2

Important Words

  1. aired
  2. albuquerque
  3. baumgartel
  4. biases
  5. blame
  6. buried
  7. challenge
  8. challenges
  9. context
  10. coverage
  11. cultural
  12. devalue
  13. editor
  14. elaine
  15. external
  16. face
  17. female
  18. global
  19. graduate
  20. happened
  21. internal
  22. journalists
  23. kunm
  24. lack
  25. lives
  26. male
  27. media
  28. mesa
  29. monitoring
  30. murder
  31. national
  32. nationally
  33. norms
  34. patterns
  35. project
  36. public
  37. radio
  38. reporters
  39. research
  40. sensationalize
  41. series
  42. show
  43. sources
  44. stereotypes
  45. stories
  46. story
  47. tend
  48. victims
  49. violence
  50. west
  51. women
  52. work
  53. worked